Actevate Training - How to Create an Article for PHA/EAP Dashboard

Ensure you have an account on the eHealthier KB site with the appropriate permissions.


  1. Login to eHealthier KB Site: Go to eHealthier KB and log in using your account.

  2. Navigate to Actevate category. In here you can see 3 sub-categories:

  3. Navigate to the “Dashboard Articles” category. Only articles in this category show on the dashboards.

  4. Create a New Topic: Click on “+ New Topic” (lower right corner in the screenshot below) to start creating a new article.

  5. Set Topic Details:

  • Title: Give your topic a relevant title.

  • Category: Choose “Dashboard Articles” under “Actevate” as the category.

  • Tags: Apply relevant tags to the topic:

    • Add/remove the “dashboard” tag to show/hide the article on the dashboards.
    • Add the “eap” tag to display the article on the EAP dashboard.
    • Add the “pha” tag to display the article on the PHA dashboard.
    • Choose both “eap” and “pha” tags to have the article appear on both EAP and PHA dashboards.
  • Example:
    Screen Shot 2023-08-23 at 4.10.42 pm

  1. Topic Creation Confirmation:
    After the topic created, it will appear on the dashboard(s)