Actevate Training - How to Create a PHA Appointment

Ensure you have a PHA client created. Refer to Actevate Training - How to create a client in Cliniko for details on creating a PHA client.


  1. Access the Actevate Cliniko portal at

  2. Select a PHA Client:

  • Ensure the fields highlighted in the red rectangle are correct. If needed, you can edit them by clicking “Edit” at the top right corner.
  • Category can be either “Health assessment” or “Health assessment - regional”.
  • Click “+ Book appt.” at top right corner to create a PHA appointment for the client
  1. Check Appointment Type:
  • Confirm that the selected appointment type falls under the “Health” category.
  • Avoid selecting “PHA Audio Only”, “PHA DA Only”, and “PHA Online Questionnaire”.

    Video Demo
  1. Create the Appointment:
    Click “Create appointment” to finalise the creation process.